I have been pleased to receive some biggish orders from schools in Vancouver and Toronto this past week along with some emails asking for information about the book. I was very happy to receive this email from a teacher in Toronto about a week ago:
“I was looking over your publication. I am interested. I was wondering how much a copy would cost. I might be purchasing a set if I can afford it. A colleague of mine, Bill Velos, lent me a copy to review. I was impressed. Very straight forward for the students. Been teaching Eco for 15 years and the best one I have seen.”
Of course I am very grateful to Bill (who organizes the OBEA conferences each year) for passing his copy along for inspection. Incidentally, each student copy ordered as part of a class set costs $17, inclusive of shipping.
If you are interested in seeing an inspection copy of the book, email me at bryce@croecko.com and I will either connect you with a teacher in your school or board who already has received an inspection copy or arrange to send a copy to you directly.
Happy holidays!