Canadian Teachers of Economics resource sharing and discussion site

Last week it was my pleasure to present at the Ontario Business Educators Association spring conference. During the presentation we discussed how it is usual for economics teachers to be the only teacher of the subject at their schools.

To address this situation, I have just established a group entitled Canadian Teachers of Economics on I have created a number of folders for resource sharing purposes which I will be seeding with material over the next few weeks and which I hope other teachers will contribute to as well.

It is very easy to join Schoology – just follow this link:

When you join (and it is a good idea for reasons other than this group, as Schoology is a great tool with which manage student work as well) please look for and join the group Canadian Teachers of Economics. The group is identified with a picture of an old $2 bill.

The access code to join is 8DP77-5ZFP5. I chose to make the group a closed group in order to avoid having the discussion area clog up with spam promotional messages.

Best wishes and I hope to see you on Schoology soon!

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If you got a postcard…

…thank you for following through and checking out the book’s website. I hope you will have a thorough look around.

One thing I wanted to make more prominent for first-time visitors is the document (taken from the teachers’ guide) mapping the learning objectives for the current Ontario CIA 4U economics course against the lessons found in Economics for Canadians:

Coverage of the CIA 4U Curriculum

I am aware that the senior Canada and World Studies curriculum is in the final stages of revision and ought to be released in the next couple of months. When it is released I will post a document similar to the one above mapping the lessons in the book to the new curriculum’s learning objectives. Depending on how much the new curriculum differs from the existing one, I may or may not publish an updated edition of the book for use in Ontario schools.

Thank you for visiting and please come again.

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The book’s intended use

Teachers in public schools today often have no budget for materials. I understand this and have tried to address this problem by creating and distributing an affordable and very useful economics textbook and workbook. In this vein, I would like to remind teachers that:

1. The book is intended to be used as a consumable student workbook. The very affordable class set price of $17 per copy reflects this. When the book is used in this way, you will not need to spend much time with note-taking as the students can simply add marginal notes to the lessons in the book. More class time can therefore be devoted to working out problems, discussing current affairs and engaging in group learning activities resulting in a richer learning environment.

If there is absolutely no money with which to buy books, a workaround can be to use your budget to buy 5 or 10 copies for placement in the library, and then give students the choice of either signing out a copy from the library (and returning it in pristine condition) or purchasing their own copy for $17. The schools that do this find that almost 100% of students choose to buy their own book.

2. If you don’t have the budget to buy consumable workbooks and are not permitted to ask students to buy learning materials it is fine to use the book as a class text and reissue it to students year after year.  I understand that some boards have very strict rules that leave teachers with few options.

3. However, what I don’t accept is teachers using the book as a photocopy master. If the book is good enough to use with your students, it is good enough to purchase for your students. As the cost to photocopy just the exercises in the book is about the same as the purchase price of a copy buying books for your students simply makes sense, especially if you take into account time spent at the photocopier.

I hate to be a nag, but it is useful to be reminded that significant time, effort and money went into producing Economics for Canadians. When you choose to purchase the book, you are honouring that fact and making it possible for me to continue to produce useful and affordable educational materials. Thank you for your support.

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Recent articles and OBEA planning

My most recent articles published in the Pembroke Daily Observer can be accessed here:

My article from late November entitled “View from the Top” views the current stock and bond markets as being either at or very close to a ‘top’ – but of course I am a perma-bear so why listen to me?

My article from just this past weekend (January 25th) meanwhile links the recent scandals involving CATSA and York University and looks at the need to allow professionals the latitude to make sensible decisions as opposed to simply demanding they follow rules.

Lastly, I am confirmed as a presenter at the OBEA conference in Toronto being held in early May. I will be speaking about linking current affairs to economics teaching and doing a bit of book promotion as well. I hope to see you there!

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Lessons exploring the ongoing financial crisis

I was just cleaning up my offerings on and thought it a good idea to flag up the 4 lessons on the Global Financial Crisis (and teaching notes) that were excerpted from Economics for Canadians.

While those of you already using the book have these lessons and teaching notes, if you are not yet using it but would like to have a look at what I think are some of the book’s strongest lessons which may be used with economics, current events or world issues classes, please go to

All the best for a wonderful New Year.

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A useful resource and my latest article

The second edition of my International Baccalaureate economics textbook, Workbook for the New I.B. Economics, features freely available online lessons. As many of the lessons are similar to the lessons found in Economics for Canadians, teachers and students may find them useful. They may be downloaded from the Gumroad website here:

Additionally, I would like to share with you my latest article from the Pembroke, Ontario Daily Observer dealing with some of the unintended consequences of Regulation 274 (the Ontario bill dealing with fair hiring practices in education).

Regulation 274

All the best for a great academic year!

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Ordering Season!

I have been pleased to receive some biggish orders from schools in Vancouver and Toronto this past week along with some emails asking for information about the book. I was very happy to receive this email from a teacher in Toronto about a week ago:

“I was looking over your publication.  I am interested.  I was wondering how much a copy would cost.  I might be purchasing a set if I can afford it.  A colleague of mine, Bill Velos, lent me a copy to review.  I was impressed. Very straight forward for the students.  Been teaching Eco for 15 years and the best one I have seen.”

Of course I am very grateful to Bill (who organizes the OBEA conferences each year) for passing his copy along for inspection. Incidentally, each student copy ordered as part of a class set costs $17, inclusive of shipping.

If you are interested in seeing an inspection copy of the book, email me at and I will either connect you with a teacher in your school or board who already has received an inspection copy or arrange to send a copy to you directly.

Happy holidays!

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Thank you, OBEA

I would like to thank the Ontario Business Educator’s Association for organizing an excellent conference last week in Toronto. I spoke to a number of teachers at the Croecko Publishing vendor booth and was pleased with the number of teachers who chose to attend my workshop. For teachers who took away an inspection copy of the student text but who didn’t attend the workshop, I would like to share some information to help you make the case for purchasing the text for your students for next year:

1. The value proposition

– The books are very affordable at $17 per copy. As a teacher myself, I have priced my books in this way to encourage schools to purchase what they might otherwise photocopy. In my opinion, the best way to discourage photocopying is to offer the book at a price that is less than the cost of a photocopy.

– The fact that the book contains exercises means that schools ordering and using them will enjoy lower photocopy costs as they will not need to copy as many worksheets for students.

– If board policies do not allow course fees, it is possible to make  student purchase optional by making 5 or 10 copies available for loan from the school library.

2. Critical Response

– Over 3000 copies of Workbook for the New I.B. Economics are being used by students on every continent. The feedback from students and teachers using the book was put to use when developing Economics for Canadians.

– The book’s proofreader, the head tutor for first year economics at Queen’s University, commented that students using the book in high school they would be well-prepared for university-level economics.

– Curriculum Services Canada, the agency that reviews materials for possible inclusion on the Ontario Trillium List, noted in their review of the book that “the resource’s evaluators stressed that the textbook is of excellent quality, overall.”

– Teachers using the resource have reported that students like the fact that they can write in the book and that it serves as both their textbook and their notebook. For their part, teachers like that the lessons in the book are well-sequenced and that the book’s format       allows them to spend class time more effectively engaged in supporting student learning.

Overall, the book meets the needs of teachers interested in delivering a current, engaging and affordable economics program to their students.

Click on the link below to see a photo taken during my workshop:

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Spring OBEA and a new article

I am happy to be attending the Ontario Business Educators’ Association spring conference being held April 18th and 19th in Toronto. I will be both a vendor and a presenter, so if you see me, be sure to stop and say ‘hi’.

As well, I would like to share my most recent article concerning efforts by the Mortgage Brokers’ Association to persuade the Ministry of Finance to allow longer-term mortgages and make other changes to enhance housing affordability, as published in the March 16th, 2013 edition of the Pembroke Daily Observer.

Keeping the Ponzi Scheme Spinning

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A great post on trust as the basis of economic advance

This article from Nicole Foss outlines with great clarity the ‘trust cycle’ that I believe underlies long-wave business cycles. In times of growing trust, institutions are able to function effectively to the benefit of all. Eventually, though, that high degree of trust provides the perfect environment for the perpetration of fraud. In the end, fraud leads to a contraction of trust which both imposes costs on and limits the scale of economic enterprise. Finally, the costs of operating in a low-trust environment become obvious enough to cause people to demand reforms which, properly carried out, can restore trust. Of course, while trust can be destroyed very quickly, it needs a great deal of time to be restored.

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