Ordering Information

Schools can order Economics for Canadians (ISBN 978-0-9868944-1-1) and Economics for Canadians – A Guide for Teachers (ISBN 978-0-9868944-2-8) directly from the publisher by sending an email to bryce@croecko.com with three pieces of information:

1. The number of copies of the textbook and teachers’ guide they require

2. The complete postal address the books are to be sent to

3. The preferred means of payment – I am able to accept payment by credit card (or Paypal) over the Paypal system, by Interac e-transfer, or by cheque.

When ordered as a class set of ten (10) or more copies, both the student book and the teachers’ guide are priced at $25 per copy, inclusive of delivery to anywhere in Canada.

For smaller orders, books are priced at $25/copy plus postal charges. As of November 2021, these charges, based on Canada Post’s postal rates for parcels sent within Ontario, are as follows:

1 copy – $16; 2 copies – $18; 3 copies – $19; 4 copies – $20;

5 copies – $21; 6 copies – $22; 7 copies – $23; 8 copies – $24

So, an order for 12 copies of the student book would be just (12*$25=) $300.

An order for 6 copies, meanwhile, would be (6*$25 + $22 for postage =) $172.

I no longer sell books through Amazon.ca. I do however sell books through the Canadian Schools Book Exchange and Alpha Textbooks in Toronto and Western Campus Resources in Vancouver.


13 Responses to Ordering Information

  1. Nijole says:

    We are ordering new economics textbooks. Where can I get a preview copy of the teacher’s book and the student text?

    Nijole Tinits
    Huron-Perth CDSB

  2. Amanda Anderson says:

    Hello Bryce,

    I was trying to find out more about your book on the OHASSTA website, but all of the workshop materials have broken links. Is it possible to get a preview copy of the teacher and student’s texts. Our Econ textbooks are outdated!

    Amanda Anderson

  3. Pete Rivoire says:

    Please, send me an inspection copy as well!

    Oshawa, ON

  4. joseph puntillo says:

    I was wondering if I could get a sample of your Economics for Canadians. I recieved a postcard here at school and was curious.

    Joseph Puntillo
    Chaminade College

  5. Huw Davies says:

    Hi Bryce. I have just been assigned an econ section for Grade 12 next year and our Econ text is 20 years old. Could I get a preview copy of Econ for Canadians? I received the postcard from our Social Sciences head last week. Thanks.

    • Hi Huw,
      I just sent you an email with information about getting a copy from one of your colleagues in the Limestone DSB or from me directly. Wow – 20 years old – that must be the Thexton book – that is going back a ways.
      Thank you for your message,

  6. Wendy says:

    Hi Bryce
    I have just received a request for a quote on 5 copies of the Workbook for the New IB Economics, ISBN 9780986894404. If this item is available, please advise the cost including freight to North Vancouver, V7J 2L3.

  7. Luisa says:

    I would like to order an inspection copy of the student text and teacher text but am unable to find your email address to send you my info.

  8. Brittany says:

    I’m looking to order for this fall, and unfortunately didn’t keep up with the blog, just assumed it would work similarly to last year. Can you please provide details as to how to order Economics for Canadians? Phone number not in service, and e-mail not working.

    • Hi Brittany,

      No worries – I am still taking orders the same way via email. I have replied to you via email and will get the books sent to you later this week.

      All the best for a great year,


  9. luisa says:

    I would like to order a sample copy oopy of Economics for Canadians
    I work the Toronto Catholic board.

    How do I place an order?

  10. We are a school textbook supplier in India and one of our school customers requires the following:
    Workbook for the New I.B. Economics, – 01 no
    Exercises 2nd Edition
    ISBN:- 9780986894435

    How can we order from you and will you be able to supply to India?

  11. Hi Raoul,
    I can send you a copy from the UAE when I return there in about ten days. Thank you for your interest in the book.

    Please send me an email to bryceATbrycemcbride.com with your full postal address. If you are able to pay using a credit card I will send the book to you on the 6th of 7th of January.

    All the best,


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